GOodbYe gOod boY

GOodbYe gOod boY
Tibor,the calm and clever 3-year old signed out of the school last week.The situation was a total downer for us all,but he had to leave with his parents to explore more exciting zones.The huge lump still lingers in our throats when we recall the moments we shared with this little guy :-)


Monday evening was fun,as we stayed indoors while it was raining outside and staged a moral play for the kids in preps for the upcoming competition on Saturday.


Clockwise from top:Akram,Hamza,Kid (that's me :) ) Aarif and it coincided today,most of us were putting on a different shade of Converse Allstars which aptly describes the title of this very picture i captured during sandplay "CoNveRsaTioN"

JusT 3's CLaSs CLocK

JusT 3's CLaSs CLocK
A bird's eye view of the awesome kids at just 3's enjoying a riveting circle time moment.

Thursday 10 June 2010

LiTTLe teacHeRs

Today,i thought letting the kids play the teacher's role would be fun as it sort of facilitates learning.It makes them feel dignified and in control.They enjoyed the session of letter recognition,sounding and spelling while the others followed.I think i have found the perfect recipe for committing everything we learn in class to memory and it works.

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